Celebrating the Centenary of the Roaring Twenties
The new Charleston Collection by Annick Puca, the creator of Les Perles par Puca, has been launched to celebrate the centenary of the “Roaring Twenties”. We have some lovely new patterns and new colours in the Arcos, Ilos and Helios beads to mark this era.
Jewellery Styles in the Roaring Twenties
The very long necklaces or “sautoirs” were all the rage in this era. They often featured pearls and had an ornament such as a pendant or tassel suspended from them. Popularized by designers such as Coco Chanel, they retain an air of timelines elegance. The Pauline sautoir by the French designer Annick Puca uses a pretty motif to break up a long pearl necklace in typical grey and rose shades.

Colour Palettes in the Roaring Twenties
Muted shades including light rose, grey, sand and violet were popular while black was also very fashionable. New colours in the Arcos par Puca and Ilos par Puca beads include some beautiful greys, rose, jonquil shades in opal colours and bronze or lustre effects which give a period look.

Les Perles Par Puca Charleston Collection Projects
We have some lovely free projects for you from Annick Puca, including this Ysaline Necklace and the Ysaline Bracelet above. The pretty motif is created with the popular Arcos par Puca and the Ilos par Puca beads. This motif is very versatile as these variations show.
You can download these projects, and many more projects, using Les Perles par Puca on our website. View all projects with Les Perles par Puca. Alternatively, just go to the pink Projects Download button on the top left of the first shopping page to view all the patterns using the beads in that category, such as Arcos par Puca.

This motif also makes a striking ring.