The latest addition to Les Perles par Puca
These little 2-hole Kalos par Puca beads are the latest additions to Les Perles par Puca range. They’re designed to work with the 15 other beads to create lots more design options. We think they’re a very versatile addition to the range and will also work well with lots of other beads. We also have some great new projects for these beads.
Kalos par Puca Beads
These 2-hole beads measure just 4x3mm and their versatile shape and size gives many opportunities to combine them with other beads. You can also top them with a crystal flatback for added sparkle on your jewellery!
Our selection includes the popular matt metallics, chalk lustre and metallic suede shades. You can view the Kalos par Pucas here.
We also have some great free downloadable projects to inspire you.

The new Kalos par Puca beads are designed to work with the other beads in Les Perles par Puca range. The Kelly bracelet shows them with the popular Arcos par Pucas. Just add a decorative ribbon or cord to finish.

The pretty Yona bracelet shows how useful the little Kalos par Pucas are to link little motifs. The motifs here use the Amos and Kos par Puca beadss.

You can also use them to fill in the centres or gaps in motifs. These are ideal for elegant earrings using larger beads like the Delos par Pucas.

The stunning Kamala earrings are combined with the Delos, Piros and Helios beads. For added pizazz you can glue on 3mm crystal flatback stones as shown on the bottom element (we recommend Preciosa Crystal SS12).

The Kalos beads also make a lovely showpiece on their own. The Kaly Pendant project uses the 25x13mm wooden base which is available from our website.

For those of you who love beaded beads, Puca has created this elaborate design with the Kalos and Arcos par Pucas which makes a beautiful long necklace or bag charm. We also stock the 25x27mm wooden base.

The new Kalos par Puca beads are also very handy for edging designs, including accessories such as this wooden pincushion which would make a lovely gift. We also supply the wooden bases for this project.
You can see all our wooden bases for Les Perles par Puca projects here.