Matubo Mini Gemduos - Perfect Companions for the Gemduos
Our new range of the very versatile Matubo mini gemduos are just in with more colours coming soon. Like the very popular gemduos, their diamond shape makes them very versatile and easy to nest together. We have some lovely free projects to get you started.
Matubo Mini Gemduos
Thee 6x4mm mini gemduos work beautifully with the standard 8x5mm gemduos and many other beads. They combine well with other angular beads such as the 2-hole honeycomb beads and kite beads. The smaller size of the Matubo mini gemduos is perfect for delicate motifs and earrings. It also means they work well with other 2-hole beads such as the Matubo ginkos.
You can view our mini gemduos colour range here.

Free Mini Gemduo Projects
We have some great projects for you courtesy of the BeadSmith. Please see our website for information about how to order the projects shown here.
The bracelet below on the left shows how well the Matubo mini gemduos combine with the 2-hole honeycomb beads. The bracelet on the right shows how good this small size is for creating small motifs and how the mini gemduo beads can nest together.

Here is another example of the lovely little motifs that you can create. This example shows them used to make a very pretty pair of earrings together with a necklace. They would, of course, also make a great bracelet.

Matubo Mini Gemduo Image Gallery
We also have some lovely designs from the BeadSmith Inspiration Squad. To see these, just click on the pink Image Gallery button on the top left of the mini gemduo product page.
The earrings design below shows the mini gemduos surrounding a honey comb bead. It also shows how beautifully these beads nest together. Try using different colours to create a pretty mosaic like design.
The necklace design also features honeycomb beads. However, here they are used to create a lovely circular design with a lacy effect.