The symmetrical shape of the honeycomb beads is very versatile and using honeycomb beads and other 2-hole beads together can create some lovely combinations. They work particularly well with other angular beads such as gemduos and chevrons. We have some easy free projects to get you started.
Using Honeycomb Beads and Other 2-hole Beads
The angular shape of the honeycomb beads goes very well with other geometric 2-hole beads such as the gemduos, kites and chevron beads.
We have some lovely projects using Honeycomb Beads and Other 2-hole Beads most of which can be downloaded for free straight from our website.
You can view all the downloadable honeycomb projects here
Honeycomb Lace Bracelet
The standard 6mm honeycomb beads have a flat surface but jewelled honeycomb beads are also available which have a “bevelled” edge. This gives them added interest and texture. These look lovely paired with 8x5mm gemduos. Katie Dean’s bracelet is a beautiful pairing of these two beads. It also uses the Galini cymbal honeycomb beads to create a variation to link the honeycomb and gemduo motifs. The 2mm fire-polished beads also add texture as well as sparkle.

Jorah Bracelet
Carolyn Cave’s Jarah Bracelet also combined honeycombs with gemduos – but this time the 6x4mm mini gemduos. It’s finished with a pretty picot edging.

Orecchini Pendant and Earrings
Another good combination is honeycombs and chevron beads. Martha Mollichella’s design is easy but elegant. The 10x4mm chevrons simply flank a honeycomb bead and are sewn into a pleasing interlocking pattern.

This design can also be used to create a matching pair of earrings.

Mia Bracelet
Another easy design is this Mia bracelet by Barbara Molen. This combines the honeycombs with the 6x3mm Kos par Puca beads. She pairs together two of the semi-circular kos beads to form a circle which echoes the shape of the angular honeycomb beads as well as using them on their own.