Using Honeycomb Beads and Ginkos

Honeycomb beads work well with many other beads.  Angular beads such as gemduos are a good pairing but other good combination include less obvious matches such as honeycomb beads and ginkos.  Here are some projects combining both these beads, and more

Using Honeycomb Beads and Ginkos

Honeycomb beads and ginkos are not the most obvious combination but do actually work together very well.  You can download most of these projects for free on our website.

You can check out our 2-hole beads here

Winter Flowering Earrings

This pattern by Deborah Hodoyer is suitable for advanced beginners onwards.  The 6mm honeycombs and 7.5mm ginkos form a pleasing contrast in shapes and have a pretty picot edging.  You can add a pretty pearl drop for an elegant finish.

Honeycomb Beads and Ginkos
Winter Flowering Earrings

Flowering Bracelet and Earrings

Our next projects is by Laura Graham.  The techniques used are peyote stitch and netting and it is for intermediate level and up, as are the last two projects.  In addition to honeycomb beads and ginkos, it also uses Minos par Pucas and a few 3mm crystal bicones for sparkle.  You can see how neatly the honeycomb Beads and ginkos mesh together in the bracelet while the honeycomb beads forms a contrasting focus point in the earrings.

Honeycomb Beads and Ginkos
Flowering Honeycomb Beads and Ginko Earrings

Crossing Bracelet

This pretty bracelet design by LMichele Klous again interlaces the honeycomb beads and ginkos in the outside rows.  However, i introduces an additional element with the 6mm 2-hole silky beads and uses silky cymbal beads substitutes for added interest as well as the standard czech glass silky beads.  Seed beads and 3mm crystal bicones again form a pretty edging

Honeycomb Beads and Ginkos
Honeybees Crossing Bracelet

Rhozanne Bracelet

Finally, we have a stunning pendant from Carolyn Cave. Here, honeycomb beads and ginkos are combined with gemduos and kite beads.  This design gives you lots of options to play with.  You can use the standard honeycomb beads or honeycomb jewels.  Instead of the gemduos you can use superduos or rulla beads. You can try substituting 2-hole cabochon or candy beads instead of the honeycombs.  You can also add an 18mm pointed back rivoli or cabochon to the centre of the design to create a striking focal point!

Honeycomb Beads and Ginkos
Rhozanne Earrings


Laura Ells