Check out Les Perles par Puca and Ice Slushy Colours – they’re perfect for giving your jewellery just a bright pop of colour or combine several shades to create a really rich opulent effect. We also have some lovely earring, bracelet and pendant designs from Annick Puca to inspire you.
Les Perles par Puca and Ice Slushy Colours
There are 10 bright gleaming colours in Les Perles par Puca and Ice Slushy Colours Collection. They are available in the most popular shapes including Samos, Arcos and Amos par Pucas.
We have some lovely free patterns from Annick Puca, the French designer of Les Perles par Puca range. You can download these from our website by clicking on the pink button on the top left of the first shopping page of each category.

This simple but very pretty design showcases the new Baros and Konos beads in a pretty floral design in purple grape. These versatile beads just have 1 hole and are easy to combine with many other beads.

Make these colours sing by combining two colours. Here the very popular 2-hole 5x8mm Amos par Pucas are combined with the 6x3mm Kos beads in this lovely Linealle Bracelet where purple grape is given a shot of the vibrant strawberry shade.

Or try this unusual lime and blue curacao combination.

A similar colour scheme is used in this ornate design. Again, the Samos are combined very effectively with the 4mm sparkling crystal bicones.

Slushy strawberry, together with gold Arcos and Kalos beads is used again in this very striking colourway. The vibrant slushy strawberry and gold matt metallic shades create a very rich and opulent effect.

The 3-hole 4x10mm Arcos par Pucas are one of the most popular beads in Les Perles par Puca range. This striking Maloya Pompom Pendant features them in orange with gold Kalos beads and sparkling bicones for a rich opulent look.

You can see Les Perles par Puca and Ice Slushy Colours here