The mini gemduos are a smaller version of the very popular gemduos by Matubo. Check out our free patterns for ideas from quick makes to intricate designs. These 2-hole beads can be used on their own for a quick make and, of ocurse, work well with the gemduos and other 2-hole beads such as kites for more intricate designs.
Mini Gemduos
The 2-hole 6x4mm mini gemduos are a smaller version of the very popular 8x5mm gemduos from Matubo. You can use them on their own for quick makes and more delicate designs or with other 2-hole beads.
Wrap Bracelet
Try this quick make bracelet from Leslie Pope which uses three colours to add interest to the easy design.

Naga Bracelet
Nel Kabelova’s design focusses on the neat nesting quality of the mini gemduos. They come in a good range of colours so you can experiment with different shades to create an interesting effect.

You can also vary this design by stitching two bracelets together to create a double bracelet.

Flower Berries Bracelet
This design by Leslie Pope is suitable for confident beginners upwards. Here the mini gemduos are contrasted with facetted microspacers. The pattern includes an option to create an expandable bracelet with decorative dangles. It also includes instructions to create a pretty pair of earrings using two or more of the flower components.

Harlequin Bracelet
The mini gemduos also work very well with other 2-hole beads, particularly angular shapes such as the 9x5mm kite beads. Leslie Pope’s interlaced pattern below shows the angular multi-hole beads softened with a pretty seed bead picot edging.

Marrakesh Bracelet
Finally, we have the more intricate design by Leslie Rogalski which was inspired by the design of exotic tiles. Gemduos, mini-gemduos are combined in a more complex pattern with the components having two layers for added texture.