Hair Clasps Projects

Hair clasps, also known as barrettes, are easy to make so you can customise your jewellery for the occasion.  Check out these projects for making hair clasps using using popular multi-hole beads such as Samos and Arcos par Pucas and also a classic twisted wire technique.

Hair Clasps for All Occasions

You can find these three free projects on our website.  Just click on the pink Projects Download button on the top left of the relevant shopping page.

The Gio Hair Clasp below uses the popular Samos and Minos par Puca beads to form a circular motif.  These can then be attached to a backing to create a pretty clip.  You can also use these simple motifs to make a matching bracelet or pair of earrings.  The project also includes instructions to make a more elaborate pendant with this motif as the centrepiece.

hair clips and clasps
Gio Hair Clasp by Puca

The Salsa hair clip uses a similar technique.  This design uses the Arcos par Puca beads edged with seed beads.  Just vary the number of Arcos par Puca beads you use according to the size of the hair clasp you want to make.  Once the beaded strip is ready, cut a piece of felt or flat leather to size and glue the beadwork to it.  Then just glue it to the top of the hair clasp.  This looks very pretty in two colours but you can also make it in a bridal white edged with gold or silver to make a lovely wedding accessory.

hair clips and clasps
Salsa Hair Clasp by Puca

This design, courtesy of Beadmaster, uses 2-hole zoliduos.  Three circular motifs are created to form flowers which are then linked together with another zoliduo motif.  The sewn strip can then be glued to the hair clasp.  This design can also be used to make a matching bracelet.

hair clips and clasps
Hair Clasp in Bloom

Creating Wirework Hair Clasps

Finally, you can also wire beads to a clasp using the same twisted wire technique as for a tiara or hair comb.

hair combs and hair clips
Twisted Wire Hair Comb and Clasp







Laura Ells